
Feminist Environmentalist Vegetarian Activist Humor


The other interesting response is, "so, does that mean you DON'T want to go out with me? *facepalm*

On another note, Halloo to all! I know the last comic said I'd be hiatus until December...and that its January now...these things happen sometimes.

Since this sort of represents he beginning of a new chapter, (go 2010! Ang hooray for restarting after a long break!) I thought I'd clarify some FAQ-type questions.

A lot of people seem to get confused about the main character of the comic not having the same name as me. That's because she's not the same person; Although what happens in the comic is loosely based off of my own experiences, it is not verbatim "my life." There are a few reasons for this: a: I'm a grade slave; my life isn't interesting enough to base a comic completely off of it (Do you remember that autobiographical comic about a trombone player that was in the paper a long time ago? Yes, it sucked, because he ran out of things from his life he could write about.) 2: I may not want to share things about my life, or, there are things that Lor does that I'd rather not have people immediaely assume I did too. Same for the other characters--they're loosely based off of my friends, but they're not verbatim.

P.S: Yes, that "hm" in the last panel means he's thinking about Lesbian sex. Just in case you didn't catch that.
