
Feminist Environmentalist Vegetarian Activist Humor


Okay, yes, this comic sucks. ts not really funny and its difficult to understand what the fuck is going on. I'M SORRY ALREADY!! You all deserve better...

...but my characters needed names, and since I haven't figured out a way to do a different web page for short character bios yet, you're stuck with this comic.

Another thing I should probably address: Saha (who yay, has a name, and so you know which character I'm talking about) you may have noticed suddenly became shaded. This is NOT because I suddenly decided I needed a token person of color. Saha is based on a friend of mine who is half-kurdish, half-taiwanese: in my mind, Saha has always been shaded in, but when I started off drawing this comic, I had really bad pens for shading and also paintbrush to help me edit. I was afraid that by shading, I would destroy her face (I tried to shade w/o destroying her face once and failed.) It only just occurred to me today that since I now have GIMP, I can show her closer to her true shading :D (Woohoo!!! Grey people! ...whenever I get the chance to color another comic, you shall see...)
