I don't even remember how many months ago I drew this comic. Maybe I should start dating them. (Haha. Double entendre!...obviously still suffering from PFSD...)
On another note, while this does demonstrate an incapacity to function after finals week, it should in no way be taken to make fun of or trivialize people who have PTSD--PTSD is serious. People suffering with PTSD aren't "faking it," they're not "weaklings," as I've heard some people describe people with PTSD. PTSD is also not solely something people get from being in combat zones, though that's how we most commonly hear of PTSD.
I once took a class that in one section talked about the different types of stress people face. One of the interesting findings of a particular study was that the stress level many students face before taking a test is actually much higher than those who are going into combat zones--the proposed eplanation was that soliders, holding guns, had the potential to fight back, while students just had pencils. I've definitely known people who regularly get panic attacks before tests, and as I've had one of them myself, the assertion that school can potentially be more stressful than battle doesn't seem so crazy. And the complete incapacity to think for a few days after finals is frustrating! (It hardly seems worth the stress when I'm just going to forget everything I learned in that class anyway. BOO SCHOOL.)